Ramzi is an agoraphobic artist who hasn’t seen the light of day in five years. Ana is a lonely college student moonlighting as an escort. As their lives intersect, we witness the unveiling of secrets and the ramifications of isolation, both literal and emotional, on these two, distinct young lives.

OUTSIDE was a film born out of a personal need to examine loneliness in the modern age. Three years after I started writing it, what was once an allegoric parable has become an unexpectedly prescient commentary on a way of life that many now face in the wake of an unprecedented global event. Having said that—alienation, anxiety and the feeling that one is perpetually on the outside-looking-in are themes that I feel transcend any single-moment in time, and my hope is that the film’s soft commentary remains relevant long after we as a species have put the current state of affairs behind us.

Farahd Wallizada (Writer/Director/Executive Producer/Composer/Lead)